Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall Work Weekend V

There were lots of smaller tasks besides siding, the ramp, painting the trim and the patio stones. Here are Kai and Claire working on benches for the deck.

Bob Lohaus lending his expertise electrically.

Jamie and Erick in a quiet moment. Our work weekends are multi-generational. There is something for everyone to do.

Here's Sam filling some potholes.

Some of the youth harvested autumn olives. They made great smoothies!

Oh, and the dishwasher needed repairs.

And the floor to the upper room needed to be nailed down. This could be called the attic!

The steps getting nailed down, too, thanks to Holden and Donald.

The multi-generational Wood family after the work weekend was over: Katherine, Aidan, Heather, David, Ellis, and Debby.

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