Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Roof for ACC roof over "Big Toilet"

This weekend 20 people came up to Powell House to help ensure that the solar panels would be sufficiently supported so they wouldn't fall into the big bathroom on the 2nd floor. This meant taking off 2 sets of shingles, adding support to the old carriage barn frame and then putting a new roof back on. Liseli Haines, Andy Heimer and Bob Houghton take a look at what's underneath ....

Then the work began anew. Of course, this is the end of July, so the humidity was up as well as the temperature. We were very fortunate that the rains held off until we finished Sunday by lunch time. We took lemonade and water breaks, and swam in the pond to try to cool off.

The finished product! Looks good, doesn't it? Mike Clark took this photo standing on the roof of Hogo (youth director's home) which is connected to the ACC. The new Bugg House wing will be to the left of this roof. So here's the group that stayed until Sunday lunch. Thank you one and all for helping get the ACC ready for solar!

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