Sunday, May 31, 2009

Siding Northside of ACC

Yesterday, the McGiver family came to side again. This time, they were working on the north facing side. Here's Clem, Kai and Kirsten.

They had to cut around outlets and conduits.

Kai & Kirsten on the patio. He's measuring where the siding needed to be cut.

Kai and Clem fitting a board at a tricky point.

At the same time, Mimi was on the roof cutting siding to fit.

Clem, Kirsten and Kai

After lunch, Oliver who was doing childcare for Purchase Meeting's retreat, came over to lend a hand. Here's Oliver, Kai and Kirsten.

Oliver, Kirsten and Kai

Mimi on the ladder with Kirsten holding the ladder.

Kirsten on the ladder with Clem helping hold the ladder.

Almost finished with this section

The McGiver's headed home Saturday evening. The deck and patio area are ready for the next group (4 & 5th graders next weekend!)

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